I so enjoyed watching EL teacher, Ms. Myers, teach a group of fourth graders about main idea at Madison Elementary this morning!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Meeks
Attentive kiddos learning how to find the main idea.
WCHS Select Theatre presents The Babbling Brooks! October 16 & 17 at 7:30pm and October 18 at 2:30pm. $10 in advance - $15 day of Call 574-371-5040 to get your tickets Tickets are limited to 40 people so we can maintain social distancing in the Black Box.
over 4 years ago, Performing Arts Center
Babbling Brooks
October 7th is Picture Re-take Day! You will receive a pass if you were absent or signed up on the re-take form!
over 4 years ago, WCHS
Making the most of the 90-minute block PD with @SwartzentruberC and Kelly Meeks. #WCSMission
over 4 years ago, Kelly Meeks
Teachers at WCHS listening attentively to Christy.
Making the most of a 90-minute block PD with Kelly Meeks and @SwartzentruberC #WCSMission
over 4 years ago, Christy Swartzentruber
Amazing WCS teachers
Kelly Meeks giving 90-minute PD
An attentive group
WCS teachers are WORLD-CLASS educators who mean the WORLD to our community. Happy World Teachers' Day with appreciation & gratitude for all you do to make a meaningful difference every day! #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Happy World Teachers Day
Monday, October 5th, will be a scheduled eLearning day. Look for the "e" icon for eLearning on the student ipad. Assignments are also posted on the school website under the “e” icon. Order school meals for pickup. Details: http://bit.ly/wcsmeals #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Scheduled eLearning Icon
So excited to announce the first issue of the 2020-2021 Roar is available! See the digital issues here! https://5il.co/lr11 #wcsmission #forewardtogether
over 4 years ago, Erin Lienbach
Front page of The Roar
Today is National Custodial Workers Recognition Day. We want to thank our custodians for all their hard work every year but especially this year. We have the best team and couldn’t do this without them!
over 4 years ago, Amanda Nine
Custodial crew
Custodial crew
Lots of great performances at WCHS’s Lip Sync Duel last night! Thanks to all the performers and Ms. McAfee for a fun night!
over 4 years ago, Matthew Barrett
Rock and Roll
Even a fog machine!!
Awesome game of Zoink in Mrs. Erin Smeltzer’s Algebra I class! #wcsmath #wcsmission
over 4 years ago, Christy Swartzentruber
Students solving math problems
National Merit Scholarship - Tiger Recognition
over 4 years ago, Troy Akers
NMSC - Commended students and Semi-Finalist
I am looking forward to our visit from Sgt Sammy Davis, Medal of Honor, to come speak with our students on Oct 8. I had the privilege of meeting him a few years ago. This will be an amazing opportunity for our students. - T Roe
over 4 years ago, Terrence Roe
Sgt Sammy Davis - Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
WCHS and WACC Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15-Oct 15. Weekly an announcement is shared with students and staff celebrating a historic Heritage figure! #forwardtogether #wcsmission
over 4 years ago, Matthew Barrett
WCHS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
Sophomores representing on career hat day! #wcsmission
over 4 years ago, Amanda Nine
Sophomores representing career hat day!
Juniors & Seniors, The admissions team from Grace College will be here outside in front of the PAC on Tues., Oct. 6 during the lunch hour. They are bringing a boat! If you are interested in meeting with them and getting some free stuff, fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5Z54OY6Arfb4qO8mukDR20AizAf_mt-a4nFN2FMW5HJA2uQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Terrence Roe
Lip Sync Duel is THIS Thursday in the Performing Arts Center! We have expanded the seating limited to 250 people and tickets are only $5. Make sure you get them by calling 574-371-5040
over 4 years ago, Performing Arts Center
Lip Sync Duel
WCHS Picture Re-take Day October 7th. If you were absent you will receive a pass to report to Tiger Central for your photos.
over 4 years ago, WCHS
tiger claw
Monday, September 21st, will be a scheduled eLearning day. Look for the "e" icon for eLearning on the student iPad. Assignments are also posted on the school website under the “e” icon. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Scheduled elearning day
E-Learning Day-Monday, September 21-No School. Coursework will be available by 8:00am. Assignments will be due September 23 at 11:59pm. Please email your teachers with any questions.
over 4 years ago, WCHS