It is with great excitement that we invite you to our 2023 Academic Showcase and 8th Grade Orientation Night. These events will be held at Warsaw Community High School and Warsaw Area Career Center on January 19, 2023 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a “come and go” event, and we will have a variety of activities to keep you informed and entertained as you move throughout the building. Some of the activities taking place during this event include:
An informational video, for current 8th grade students, playing in the Performing Arts Center. The video will cover many of the details that the Class of 2027 will need to know as next school year approaches.The video will begin at 5:00 PM and will play on loop, starting over each time it has completed.
There will be interactive exhibits in each department. Those in attendance can talk with their current and former teachers about their departments and the courses that are offered.
The school will be completely open for exploring. Attendees can tour the school to get a feel for the daily travels of a student.
The administrative team and guidance staff will be moving around the building to help answer questions and provide counsel when necessary.
Once again, we are so excited to welcome you on this evening. Please plan on attending. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office at (574) 371-5099.
#togetherwearewarsaw #wcsmission