Leesburg seniors have grown and and ready to graduate. These Leesburg seniors are taking their last l walk before graduating in the class 2024. Congratulations! #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Fourth Grade Camp Crosley 2024 #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Fourth Grade Camp Crosley 2024 #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Fourth Grade Camp Crosley 2024 #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Fourth grade at Camp Crosley 2024 #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Fifth grade students having fun making paper mache planets. #wcsmission experience#

Leesburg Lion's Club donated very generous to Mr Ogle for our field day. Thank you! #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Happy Teachers Appreciation Week!! You make the difference in our school and the students experiences. Thank you for all you do! #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Happy Nurses Week to the one and only Nurse Rachelle. You are AMAZING and we love you. Thank you for caring for our students. #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Thank you ladies for all the hard and dedicated work you do to make sure our students are fed. #wcswarsaw #exprience You are appreciated!

“Thank you for setting high expectations for our students Mr. Polston you have shaped the conditions for our teachers and students to learn and succeed. We are grateful for your impact on Leesburg school. Keep up the great work! #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Third grader students have been exploring bucket drumming in music - so much fun!
#wcsmission #experiencewcs

Leesburg's Got Talent.....Students you have a special talent? Maybe singing, dancing, acting, music, rock band, comedy etc. Students come and share your talents with the very first talent show. The program be on May 9th at 6:30pm!! Sign up now! #wcsmission #experiencewscs

Janelle and Charity thank you ladies for everything you do to keep our buildings running smoothly every day! With all the different tasks that you face everyday, you are both amazing and outstanding to our building Thank you for all you do. #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Fifth grade has been studying ecosystems for Earth Day. They spent time in the wetlands identifying life in our local ecosystem. We planted seeds (sunflowers, zinnias and marigolds) in bowls to make our own ecosystems that we can later plant. #wcsmission #experiencewcs

On April 19th, the 4th Grade DLI students had the opportunity to publish a book full of stories written by them in Spanish. The writing process was long a nd demanding, but the students did great!!! This writing process took the students five months.
#wcsmission #experiencewcs

Hey fourth graders! See America’s natural wonders and historic sites for free.
You and your family get free access to hundreds of parks, lands, and waters for an entire year. #wcsmission #experiencewcs
Information provided by the DNR.

It's National Library Week!

This week is the Scholastic book fair week. Monday - Friday from 8:30-4:00pm. Students can shop during their special time in the library. They may shop before school and at their recess time.https://www.scholastic.com/bf/leesburgelementaryschool3
#wcsmission #experiencewcs

Leesburg Drama Club did an amazing job with their performance . Directors, Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Coates, were impressed as 50 students wowed their audience. These students have been practicing since January. They learned the joy of acting and bringing laughter to your audience.