The 5th grade traditional classes spent today learning about ecosystems and organism relationships in our outdoor classroom. The students made great observations and pointed out several relationship examples. We love using the nature trail and our local wetlands as opportunity to learn! #warsawinspires

Friday, students showed their school spirit with crazy sock day! #WarsawInspires

Penny Wars continued today with the Spirit Week theme being Hawaiian. We love to see our students so excited to donate money as well as celebrate school spirit! #warsawinspires

Spirit Week is coinciding with Penny Wars, a fundraiser for Feed My Starving Children.
Today was hat day, and our students were excited to donate their money to feeding hungry children across the globe.

5th graders work together at "The Puzzle Table" in the Leesburg Library with extra time. Putting together a puzzle is a great way to build and practice literacy skills in non traditional ways! #WarsawInspires

This past Saturday, some Leesburg staff and a volunteer used their day off to learn and grow at the Lost Sparrows Conference to learn more about the effects of childhood trauma. #WarsawInspires

Students in Mrs. Cox’s first grade class
enjoyed learning about tools that scientists use. Microscopes were a big hit. One student said “Not to be rude, but your spit is gross.”
Yes -- Mrs. Cox spit on a slide in the name of science!

Kindergarteners at Leesburg start the school year off with a color unit, which is celebrated by students and teachers wearing the color of the day. #warsawinspires

1st grade students in Mrs. Cox's classroom were busy last week learning numbers and drawing and sharing what they think a scientist looks like. #warsawinspires

Parents of Kindergartners and parents with students new to the Dual Language Immersion program are invited to attend the DLI Info Night. See the photos for more info! #ExperienceWCS

5th grade students are being introduced to new book genres through a “book tasting!"

Check out the info for Leesburg Soccer! #ExperienceWCS

See photos for information on joining Cub Scouts! #ExperienceWCS

Information for Leesburg Volleyball tryouts. #ExperienceWCS

Information for the 2024 Leesburg Cross Country team is included in the following flyers. #ExperienceWCS

Warsaw Schools' Partnership with IU Kokomo and Ball State University to enhance the K-12 Dual Language Immersion program.
Read more at this link:

Some lucky 3rd graders had extra time in the library and used epic teamwork to build this tower! #ExperienceWCS

Students in Mrs. Korotney's 2nd grade classroom enjoyed Math manipulative exploration. #ExperienceWCS

Day of the Child! This holiday, also known as Día del Niño, originated in Mexico and is now celebrated in various countries around the world. #wcsmission #experiencewcs

Leesburg seniors have grown and and ready to graduate. These Leesburg seniors are taking their last l walk before graduating in the class 2024. Congratulations! #wcsmission #experiencewcs