Academic Departments E - M
Academic Departments P - W
Academic Resources
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Barbara Beck, MLS
School Librarian/Media Center Specialist
574-371-5099 #2151
Deb Sapper
Circulation Manager and Instructional Assistant
574-371-5099 #2318
Technical Assistant
574-371-5099 #2215
Teachers/Staff - Please schedule through Eduphoria
The Media Center is open during regular school hours.
The Media Center will be open with limited availability before and after school according to the following schedule:
Before School: Tuesday - Friday 7:30 am
After School: Monday - Friday 3:06 pm to dismiss at 3:30 pm
Students may check books out for three school weeks. Students may renew that book if they have not finished with it. Please remember to bring the books back on time. There are no overdue fines. A replacement fee will be incurred if the book is lost or is damaged.
Media Center Behavior
Please follow all the WCHS school rules. Please be respectful, act responsibly, and try to build relationships with one another.
Computer Use
Computers have been placed in the Media Center for acceptable educational purposes.
Teacher Scheduling
We want to collaborate with teachers as much as possible. Teachers, please contact Ms. Beck. Teachers, you may sign up to use the Media Center through Eduphoria. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Classes in the Media Center
Even though classes may be in the Media Center, it will remain open to students with passes from a teacher for necessary services.