3, 2, 1…Book Fair! The countdown is ON to the best day of the year—and everything you need to know to bring the Bookjoy is right here. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR. The book fair runs from Nov.27th-Dec 2 ending with Breakfast with Santa. Remember you can do an e-wallet and shop online.

Friday, November 17: Substitute Educators Day
This day we honor the educators who are called upon to replace regularly employed teachers. This day is observed during the American Education Week. Thank You guest teachers for maintaining quality of education for our students.

Meet Emily! Emily our new Behavior Support Liaison for Leesburg. Emily has as a BSL and is able to work with her students on a 1-1, in small groups, or with the whole classroom. Her materials she uses focuses on emotions and social skills. Welcome to the Blazer team!

Our Blue Blazers cheerleading squad are practicing to cheer on the upcoming basketball games. Give me a "B" "L" "A" "Z" "E" "R" "S" Go Blazers!!
#wcsmission #experiencewcs

Our 4th graders at Leesburg made Veterans Day cards to honor Veterans at Threads of Valor. Thank you for your service! #expiencewcs #wcsmission

Thank you Edgewood Dental Care for the donation of toothbrushes and toothpaste! We ares thankful! #experiencewcs #wcsmission

#wcsmission #experiencewcs

It is BAT CITY in second grade. This week second graders were chiropterologists, making bat discoveries through research, reading, and writing. #experiencewcs #wcsmission

Our first graders learning about our lakes, streams and rivers from Grace College Lakes and Stream program.

It's Veterans week in the media center. November 11th is the day we remember those soldiers who are currently serving and those who have served our country so we may be FREE. Thank you Veterans for protecting our country. Army, Navy,Marine, Airforce, Coast Guard and Space Force.

Our first grade classes visited Grace Colleges Lakes and Streams program. Lilly Center uses research and education to make the our lakes and streams in Kosciusko County clean, healthy, safe and beautiful.

It's MakerSpace week !!! Students from K-6th have had an amazing experience of challenging themselves to S.T.E.M. activites. Some of the S.T.E.M. activities include, OSMO, KEVA Planks, Snap circuits, MagnaTiles, Sticker book challenge. PixBrix,, coloring pages, and checkers.

Our second graders are gearing up for their interim tests in a fun and engaging way – by playing Math Jeopardy! This exciting activity not only sharpens their math skills but also encourages teamwork and collaboration
#WCSmission #ExperienceWCS #LeesburgBlazers

Third graders in the DLI blue class listened to the TigerCast episode that featured our very own Jayden Young. He has a huge heart for giving. and we listened to him share his heart on Warsaw’s podcast. Way to go, Jayden!
If you missed the podcast, listen to it here: buzzsprout.com/2018876/13658144
#LeesburgBlazers #WCSmission #ExperienceWCS

This the last week for free meals in the park!
Don't forget to mark your calendar for the start of the year. There are only a few weeks until we welcome students back in the buildings!
#WCSmission #BackToSchool

Welcome to our new 3rd grade Spanish teacher!
Yenny Paola Soriano and her family will arrive from Colombia next week and they need EVERYTHING. We are so grateful for the way that our Blazer families always step up to welcome these new international teachers to our community. If you would like to help them get started on the right foot, consider providing a meal or some items through these links:
Thank you!

Don't forget to complete registration for the 2023-24 school year! warsawschools.org/o/warsaw/page/registration
Also, here is the link to purchase the $28 Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) for your child's iPad www.securedtechsolutions.com/protection/warsaw/ #WCSmission

Calling all WCS Athletes!
📅 Physical Night TOMORROW: July 19th, 6pm - 9pm
🏢 Career Center Gym, Warsaw Community High School (enter door 14)
💰 Cost: $25
Prepare for an incredible season ahead! Don't miss out on this opportunity to get your physical done.
#WCSmission #PhysicalNight

Don't forget to complete registration for the 2023-24 school year! warsawschools.org/o/warsaw/page/registration
Also, here is the link to purchase the $28 Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) for your child's iPad www.securedtechsolutions.com/protection/warsaw/

Free meals in the park resume today!
Here is the menu if you want to know what to anticipate (Menu items are subject to change without notice).