​Multiple events across the district have been postponed due to weather. Please check with sponsors/ coaches/ schools to get the latest status. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
wcs weather postponed events
WCS Reminder: Monday, April 19, 2021 Scheduled eLearning Day
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Monday eLearning day flower
A reminder from Warsaw Community Schools registering a Kindergarten student for 2021-2022. Be sure to complete the Kindergarten Information Google Sheet before April 2nd to be placed in a drawing for an IPAD Air2. We will be giving away 5 IPADs. Please visit our website at www.warsawschools.org for more information. Go to the orange Enroll/Register Button. Then , go to - All Incoming Kindergarten Students. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Reminder: We need your help as we make hiring decisions about 2021-2022 Please complete the Intent to Return Survey http://bit.ly/wcssurvey2021 (English) http://bit.ly/wcsescuelas2021 (Spanish) #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Back to School Chalkboard
Reminder: Monday, March 22nd is a Scheduled eLearning Day
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Flowers Scheduled eLearning
Reminder: Scheduled eLearning dates in March, 2021 Monday, March 8 Monday, March 22 #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Child with a pencil filling out a worksheet
All @WCS_District schools will be on a 2-hour delay for Wednesday, February 17. Many country roads & additions are still snow-covered. Please stay safe. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Ace in snow 2 Hour Delay Wednesday Feb 17
Weather Closing Tuesday, February 16: All WCS schools will be closed and operate as an eLearning Day. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Weather Closing: Tuesday, Feb 16
All schools will be on a 2-hour delay for Friday, February 5, 2021. We will continue to evaluate road conditions in the morning. Please be safe. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
2-hour delay
Leesburg Busses are running late today 2/4/21 due to the road conditions.
about 4 years ago, Leesburg News
Reminder: WCS has a Schedule eLearning Day on Monday, February 1. Go to the "e" icon on ipads or the school website (warsawschools.org) for assignments and due dates. Photo Credit: Bernie Waikel, Transportation
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
2 snowmen scheduled elearning day icon
Tuesday, January 26, 2021: ALL WCS schools are closed due to weather conditions. We will operate on an eLearning day.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
All schools will be physically closed, but in session for eLearning due to icy road conditions in the northern part of our district. Please be safe and have a wonderful day. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
elearning weather day
Warsaw Community Schools will be closed on Monday, January 18th to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
MLK Jr. Day Poster
Transportation Please Note: Buses are running late today. Thank you, WCS
about 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
A car broke down in the Leesburg parking lot. Local police are assisting the motorist. There is not a threat or danger to any students. We just wanted to make Leesburg patrons aware since multiple police cars are in the parking lot. Thank you and have a great day, WCS
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Leesburg Building
Monday, November 9th, will be a scheduled eLearning day. Look for the "e" icon for eLearning on the student iPad. Assignments are also posted on the school website under the “e” icon. Order school meals for pickup. Details: http://bit.ly/wcsmeals #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Scheduled eLearning
WCS is HIRING! Call 574.371.5086 ext. 4 or apply here: ww.wcsjobs.com https://warsawcom.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx #wcsmission #ForwardTogether #NoWeekends #NoNights #SchoolSchedule
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
We are Hiring Poster
WCS teachers are WORLD-CLASS educators who mean the WORLD to our community. Happy World Teachers' Day with appreciation & gratitude for all you do to make a meaningful difference every day! #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Happy World Teachers Day
Monday, October 5th, will be a scheduled eLearning day. Look for the "e" icon for eLearning on the student ipad. Assignments are also posted on the school website under the “e” icon. Order school meals for pickup. Details: http://bit.ly/wcsmeals #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Scheduled eLearning Icon