We’re Hiring.
Did you know you can sign up for job posting ALERTS?
Go to wcsjobs.com
Now hiring part-time, full-time, year-round, and school calendar positions.
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

5:30 - 6:00 Costume Contest Registration
6:00 - 7:00 Trick-or-Treating
7:00 Costume Contest
Rain or shine, we will be having Downtown Warsaw Spooktakular tonight!
There are usually around 1,500 trick-or-treaters that attend the event!
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

The November Pool Calendar is Here.
Phone Number: 574-371-5089
Swim Fees: Monday: Free,
Tuesday — Thursday: $1.50/person or $15 family pass
Download Calendar: https://5il.co/111ud

Community Pool News:
Please note, the pool will be closed during Fall Break: (Oct 20, 21, 22)
LINK: https://wchs.warsawschools.org/o/wchs/browse/159589

PSA: Student Assistance Program (SAP) - Bowen Center offers all WCS students two free sessions as well as educational resources. www.bowencenter.org
FLIER : https://bit.ly/WCSOctoberSAP
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw #breathe #wcswellnesswednesday

PSA: The Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams needs your input as we prepare for a new year of community events! What topics are you and your family most interested in? We're considering rain gardens, worm composting, birding & fishing basics, and more.
Scan the QR code to take the 2-minute survey, then share it with a friend.
We welcome new ideas, too, so make sure to write those in. Thank you! #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Do you love all-things Disney? Do you wish you could hear live music at an in-person concert?
Your wish will be granted at the Warsaw Community Schools Fall Orchestra Concert! Bring your friends and family for an evening of enchanting music! Performing groups are the Beginning Orchestra, Edgewood and Lakeview Orchestra, Obbligato String Orchestra, and Philharmonic Orchestra.
Enjoy music from Beauty and the Beast, the Lion King, Coco, Aladdin, and other
classics. And if you've ever wondered how an orchestra can use lightsabers while playing Star Wars music, this is your chance! Will the violas play for the Jedi? Or will they join the Dark Side?
Find out at our FREE concert on October 7th, 7pm at the WCHS Performing Arts Center (masks required).

WCS has a new notification system for 2021-2022. If a parent would like to be removed from school & district notifications, please complete the DO NOT CONTACT form.
Please check that Powerschool has the correct contact info.
Link: https://bit.ly/wcsoptout #wcsmission

Seeking fluent Spanish-speaking subs at Eisenhower & Leesburg.
Buscando sustitutos que hablen español con fluidez. Apoye a WCS y conviértase en un substituto para las escuelas primarias de Eisenhower y Leesburg. ¡Se requiere poco o nada de inglés!
Call 574.371.5098 x 3841

Warsaw Girls Basketball proudly presents: Elementary/Middle School Team Camps.
Get full details and REGISTRATION FORM here: https://bit.ly/WGBTeamCamps
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Warsaw Basketball Tiger Academy proudly presents:
Team Camp;
Holiday Hoopla;
TBA Travel Team Tryouts.
Get full details and REGISTRATION FORM here: https://bit.ly/TBAFALL21
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

We are partnering with KREMC to get an important survey out. Please consider completing this survey to help bring higher internet speeds to more homes. LINK: https://bit.ly/KREMCsurvey
@kosciuskoconnect @GetFiberKos
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

On Friday, September 10, 2021, all 4th-grade students across the district will participate in an educational field trip "Back to the Days."
Students will have a fun-filled day visiting different stations offering a historical experience, participating in themed games, enjoying the great outdoors, and being treated to a special lunch.
Thank you to teachers, administration, volunteers, vendors, and presenters.
A HUGE thank you to the amazing organizational team behind the scenes: Stefanie Brown (Administrative Assistant to Dr. David Robertson), Jennifer Zaugg (Deputy Treasurer), and Alyssa Pena (WCHS, Communications Intern).
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Dear Warsaw Schools Community,
We all long for normality during this continued time of COVID. As exemplified during the 2020-21 school year, our local schools are the bedrock of the community. During a year of abnormality, we were able to provide a stable environment. In-person instruction is needed for student academic and social well-being along with economic and community health. Our number one priority must be a safe in-person educational environment.
Within the first four weeks of the 2021-22 school year, COVID-19 numbers have spiked due to the highly contagious Delta variant. These numbers reflect positive cases experienced during the height of the 2020-21 school year. Our local health department has noted substantial community spread that led to the creation of new recommendations for additional mitigation strategies. Due to this similar spread throughout Indiana, Governor Eric Holcomb issued a new Executive Order 21-24 on September 1 for all K-12 schools. On Tuesday, September 7, our school board met to review the executive order and local health department recommendations.
Beginning Friday, September 10, 2021, in an effort to maintain high-quality in-person instruction in a safe and healthy environment for our students while minimizing the disruption caused by mandatory quarantine rules, Warsaw Community Schools will require masks for all students, staff, and visitors during the school day regardless of vaccination status in all of our school buildings.
What does this mean for our WCS school community?
During the school day, masks will be required regardless of vaccination status for all students, staff, and visitors in all indoor WCS school buildings and on buses. By wearing masks, WCS expects to reduce quarantines significantly, which will increase the likelihood of maintaining full-time in-person learning as well as continued opportunities for co and extra-curricular activities. Our number one priority is to provide our students and community a safe in-person educational environment.
A compelling benefit of the mask mandate (per Governor’s executive order) is that instructional and social activities may return to pre-COVID conditions; a 3-foot or 6-foot radius is required between students when masked is no longer required. Healthy students will now be able to engage in more interactive instructional strategies with their peers without the risk of being quarantined.
Staff will provide students with opportunities, as allowed by state health protocols, to remove masks at appropriate times when eating, engaged in physical activity, outdoor learning, and when 6-feet of physical distance is possible.
Quarantines from outside of the school settings, as well as those close contacts from non-classroom settings, extracurricular activities. and athletics may still be subject to quarantine. In accordance with the Indiana State Health Department vaccinated (asymptomatic) students and staff remain exempt from contact-traced quarantines.
WCS will continue to encourage social distancing and frequent hand washing/sanitizing in addition to our other layered mitigation protocols.
The masking requirement will be deployed whenever Kosciusko County is in the orange or red zone according to the Indiana State Department of Health. When Kosciusko County is in the yellow zone for two consecutive weeks, masks will return to recommended, but optional.
Thank you for your continued support to make our number one priority a reality.
Reopening Plan UPDATED: https://www.warsawschools.org/browse/158668
David Hoffert, PhD Superintendent, Warsaw Community Schools

Check out the Warsaw Community Pool Calendar for September
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Mark your Calendars: Elementary Picture Day is Coming Soon!
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Warsaw Community Schools is excited to announce our next JOB FAIR.
WCS will join community partners and assist with applications. We have openings for full-time and part-time jobs. We offer flexible schedules, benefits, and full or partial-year employment opportunities. Screenshot this:
DATE: FRIDAY, September 10, 2021
TIME: 11 am - 5 pm
LOCATION: Goodwill, 751 Anchorage Drive, Warsaw, IN 46580
(We’ll have a marquee outside/on site)
APPLICATIONS: wcsjobs.com
Download/ Print the Flier: https://bit.ly/wcsjobfair
Tell a friend. We look forward to meeting you!
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

LINK: https://www.warsawschools.org/page/technology
1405 students have purchased Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) for their Ipads for just $25 per device!
Without ADP, a typical repair is upward of $200!
The last day to purchase ADP is August 31 - just 13 days away.

Warsaw Community Schools Human Resource Department will Offer: WALK IN INTERVIEWS
When: Thursday August 19
Time: 8 am - 4 pm
Phone: 574.371.5098
Save the Date/ Share with a Friend
#wcsmission #ForwardTogether

SAVE THE DATE: ALL elementary schools will host a BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT on Thursday, August 12, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Bring in School Supplies
Meet the Teacher
#wcsmission #togetherWEarewarsaw