Here are some important links for parents & guardians to work through the process of registration, purchasing school supplies & ADP, apply for financial assistance, print off calendars to coordinate schedules & childcare, provide medical info to the school nursing team, download the WCS APP, and join the WCS Team!
If you need any assistance, please call Warsaw Community Schools’ Central Office: 574-371-5098, or visit 1 Administration Drive, Warsaw, IN 46580.
Students first day is August 15th, 2022.
- FAQ & More: Register/Enroll / Powerschool Log In
- Watch the Instructional Video to Register/Enroll
- Get School Supply Lists
- Purchase iPad Accidental Damage Protection (ADP): English Application & Spanish Application
- Apply for Free & Reduced Lunch/Textbook Assistance
- Get Calendars 22-23
- Upon completing student registration, families will receive a follow-up email from SchoolCare - sometime in mid-July.
This platform is used by school nurses to maintain student health health records and monitor office visits. We asked all families complete the SchoolCare registration process. Instruction sheets to complete the SchoolCare registration process are available in ENGLISH & in SPANISH. Please note that Caredox is now SchoolCare. Warsaw Community Schools requires parents to submit their child’s health forms on SchoolCare, our digital health platform.
- Get WCS NEWS & EVENTS on the APP: Apple or Google Play
- We're Hiring: WCSJOBS.COM
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw