Today is National Bus Driver Appreciation Day and we have some of the best! Thank you for getting our students safely to/from home, sitters, events, and field trips. Bernie, Gene, Jeff, and Mark - YOU ARE APPRECIATED EVERY DAY!

National Kindness Day is tomorrow, but we are showing acts of kindness around Eisenhower today! "Be the light" in someone's day! #ExperienceWCS

We kicked off E.A.G.L.E. with a fun pep rally led by the Cheerleaders! Then, celebrated student of the month for students showing Empathy during the month of January! #ExperienceWCS

Fantastic job at the district Spelling Bee Elli and Lillith! #ExperienceWCS

Kindergarten had a great time celebrating the 100th day of school! #ExperienceWCS

Congratulations to the December students of the month! They demonstrated leadership with the "R" in S.O.A.R. for responsibility! #WCSExperience

Holidays Around the World! Amazing and fun experiences happened across all the classrooms! Countries, traditions, and holidays were learned from around the world...Japan, Winter Olympics, Mexico, Germany, Columbia, Italy, Norway, Venezuela, Australia, Iceland! #ExperiencesWCS

Congratulations to Landon and Sawyer for winning the Firefighter for the Day experience! #ExperienceWCS

6th graders have been working on their sistema solar or solar system projects in Spanish and they turned out so cool! The final projects are in front of the office so if you are in the building make sure to stop and see them! #ExperienceWCS

Congratulations to the Eisenhower Spelling Bee winner, Lilith, and runner-up Elliana! We wish you the best of luck when you compete at the District Spelling Bee in January! #WCSexperiences

It sure is feeling more like Christmas with this snow! 4 more days until Christmas break! #ExperienceWCS

Last week Eisenhower’s sixth graders had a fantastic time attending the Wagon Wheel Christmas show, A Christmas Carol! #ExperienceWCS

Celebrating students of the month! The students were recognized for their leadership with "A" in S.O.A.R. They were great examples of showing a positive attitude and perseverance!

2nd graders have been working very hard on making coolers in science! Students then tested their projects under a heat lamp, to see if their popsicles would melt. They also participated in Balloons over Broadway! Students made their very own balloon and we held a parade for grades K-3. #ExperienceWCS

Yesterday our 1st and 3rd grade students took a trip to the PAC at the high school to watch a Christmas around the world play. It was the perfect way to start off the holiday season! #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission

🌊 Dive Into Fun with WCHS Open Swim! 🌊
🗓️ December Swim Times (schedule may vary):Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:15-9 PM
#WCHSOpenSwim #WCSmission

How we feel having the best students and parents:)
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you all enjoy time with friends and family this weekend.

Today is Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day!
We have some awesome substitute teachers that work so well with our kids! If you are a sub, THANK YOU!!! You are very appreciated!
If you or someone you know is interested in being a substitute teacher, use the information in the flyer attached to apply.

It is World Kindness Week! Our Kindness Club organized and assembled food boxes for families! #kindnessWCS

Celebrating Students of the Month! These students were recognized for modeling the "O" for Others in S.O.A.R. during the month of October! "Treating others the way you want to be treated."