Celebrating the August Student of the Month!

Billy Mills inspiring 5th graders to follow their dreams! #wcsmission #kindnesswcs

Nice job this evening Eisenhower Volleyball team!

PICTURE DAY: Monday, Sept. 12

4th Grade "Back to the Days"! The kids are having a blast today!! #wcsmission #kindnesswcs

Go Eisenhower Cross Country! Great job!!

Filling our walls with joy and positivity! #wcsmission #kindnesswcs

Wishing Everyone a Fantastic Labor Day Weekend.
Reminder: School is dismissed on Monday, September 5th, 2022
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

DLI Kindergarten parents & parents of students new to the DLI program: Please join us for an informational meeting September 1, 5:30pm.

Tonight’s volleyball game against Washington has been canceled. ALL players will need picked up as soon as possible. Washington students may be picked up in front and Eisenhower student in the back.

A couple snapshots from our week: classroom, lunch, and recess!

The students are working as a team to problem solve, collaborate using the Spanish language, and build their STEM module! #wcsmission #kindnesswcs

Calendar Reminder: Monday, August 22 - School will be In-Session (Late Start). The Latest WCS Calendar (7/28/2022) is available on the district website warsawschools.org #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

The Eagles are beginning to S.O.A.R into the new school year!

A friendly reminder, to ensure a smooth launch to our first day of school and to ensure the safety of all students, parents are not permitted to walk their student to class. We will have staff throughout the building assisting students to find their classrooms.

Parking for "Back to School Night", 4:00-5:00 p.m. Please park across the street at WCC. The Eisenhower back parking lot will not be open due to the paving of the lane addition. We are excited to see the all the Eagles and families this evening!

Eisenhower families check out the fresh look in the front office when you come to the building on Thursday!

Tools for Schools: August 3, 9am to 3 pm. Fairgrounds. Free back to school supplies. Free haircuts. Registration support. Community Partners. And so much more! Thank you Combined Community Services, volunteers, and local agencies #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

Date: Thursday, August 11, 2022
Time: 4 pm - 5 pm
Location: All 8 WCS Elementary Schools
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

GET ADP Today: Just $28 Per Student for a Limited Time Only!
All students in Warsaw Community Schools have an assigned iPad. These are used in the classroom on a daily basis. Students in grades 5-12 are permitted to take these devices home on a nightly basis. Students in Grades K-4 are permitted to take these devices home for E-Learning days. All electronic devices have the potential to break. Warsaw Community Schools works with Secured Tech Solutions to provide families with an Accidental Damage Protection plan to pay for repairs. Please purchase Accidental Damage Protection (ADP)
Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) for student-issued devices protects parents from incurring repair costs due to accidental damage and theft. Enrollment is open until August 31, 2022 for all Warsaw students, grade K-12. This protection will cover the student’s device through 8/15/2023.
Coverage Includes:
Drops – Resulting in cracked screens or broken internal parts;
Liquid – Spills, splashes, or full immersion;
Batteries – Damage to or failure;
Accidental damage (not deemed to be usual wear from use);
Theft, robbery, or burglary (with police report, device needs to have been stored securely).
Exclusions: Chargers, Intentional Damage, Protective Cases, Headphones, Lost Devices.
JUST $28 per device. JUST $28 per device. JUST $28 per device. JUST $28 per device.
Click the link below to learn more and pay by credit card.
• Application for ADP in English
• Application for ADP in Spanish
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw