Great job, Eagles!! We are proud of you! Great season! #wcsmission
about 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Pep Rally to cheer on the basketball teams as they head to the Championship game this evening! Followed by the Edgewood Holiday Music Tour! #wcsmission
about 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Jiggle Bells
The kids had a blast at the Holiday sing-along today! The 6th grade lead a song and we had a fun prop performance with staff and students. #wcsmission
about 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
6th grade leading
School singing
Eisenhower Spelling Bee participants! Congratulations to the winner, Barrett! Congratulations to the runner-up, Caroline! #wcsmission
about 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Eisenhower Spelling Bee
Eisenhower Winner and Runner Up
All WCS schools will be in session for the week beginning Monday, December 19 - Thursday, December 22. #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw
about 2 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
School is Back
S.O.A.R student assembly was lead by our Cheerleaders school spirit. A skit was performed by a group of 6th grade students to demonstrate the O in S.O.A.R. We finished by celebrating our Students of Month! #wcsmission #kindnesswcs #wcsempathy
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Soar Cheer
6th grade
student of month
You can help raise funds for the Eisenhower PTO when you shop at Amazon and Kroger! BoxTops will earn money towards the PTO as well! The funds will then help support the events PTO hosts for Eisenhower students and staff. See the flyer for details.
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Amazon, Kroger, BoxTops
Eisenhower Elementary Christmas Market will take place next week, December 12th-16th! All items are $3.00. Students will shop with their classes at a designated time during the school day.
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Christmas Market
FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America) is holding our annual Trinkets for Teens Drive now through Wednesday, December 15th.  Trinkets for Teens partners with Toys for Tots in Kosciusko County to supply gifts to teens 13-18.  Supplies can be dropped off at WCHS at the main office or the WACC office now through Wednesday, December 15th. This year they partnered with Gabes Discount Store as well.   Leaders are appreciative of all donations that have been made and noted that they are still in need of gifts for guys. Monetary donations and gift cards will also help students shop for specific requests from local families. Suggested items include Cologne/Perfume, Gift Cards, Wallets, Non-perishable food, Socks, Backpacks, Slippers, Lunch boxes, Hats/gloves, Gum/Candy, Scarfs, Jewelry, Books, Puzzles, Deodorant, Candles, Games, Markers, Cards, Movie Tickets, Purses, Belts, Makeup, Hair Accessories, Sports balls, Water Bottles. #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw #ayearofkindness #kindnesswcs #empathywcs #inclusivitywcs
over 2 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Baker and Mia
Great evening at Eisenhower Skate Night!! #wcsmission
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Eisenhower PTO Skate Night is tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 29th at Hansen's Eastlake Skating Center. Admission is $5.00 (skate rental included). 6:00-8:00 pm
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Skate Night
Happy Thanksgiving!! The students completed turkey activities and shared what they are thankful for throughout the day! #wcsmission #kindnesswcs
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
3rd grade
2nd grade
1st grade
Dr. Hoffert and friends continued the tradition today of giving WCS bus drivers a pie to remind everyone how much they are appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving! #wcsmission
over 2 years ago, Director of Communications
Sending a warm Warsaw Community Schools greeting and wishing you and yours a holiday weekend filled with family, friends, love, and laughter. Happy Thanksgiving! School Break: November 23-25 #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw
over 2 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Happy Thanksgiving
Attn WCS 6th Grade Parents: Travel opportunity for the Spring 2024. Epic tour of Panama-STEM/DLI focus! Check email. Dec 1st sign-up hosted at Lakeview, 6PM. Future LMS parents RSVP: Future EMS parents RSVP:
over 2 years ago, Brock Rhodes
Poster for Panama Trip
Thank you to our Veterans and your service! The Eisenhower Choir and Student body did a wonderful job honoring the Veterans today! #wcsmisson
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Veterans Wall
Eisenhower Alum
Presentation of Colors
Tiger Ambassadors enjoyed a sneak peek of the construction at WCHS #wcsmission
over 2 years ago, Director of Communications
construction at WCHS
The Choir lead the entire school in singing the Star Spangled Banner to practice for our Veteran's Day program that will take place on Monday! #wcsmission
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
Great job Eisenhower at the first home games for the season! Go Eagles!!
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
boys team
girls team
Celebrating Student of the Month! #wcsmission
over 2 years ago, Eisenhower Principal
student of the month