February 22, 2021 Edgewood Announcements

Lunch Menu choices are Pulled Pork Street Tacos or Yogurt Meal, Cole Slaw, Steamed Corn, Sliced Red Applet, and Milk.

If you are interested in playing Soccer this spring, contact Mr. Brenneman.

Robotics Club will meet tomorrow! This opportunity is open to any EMS student.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday after school until 4 in the STEM lab. 

 Reminder: Edgewood doors open at 8:20 on Mondays to allow students to go to their classrooms. No supervision is available before 8:20a on Mondays.

 We have many students not wearing appropriate clothing to school. Dress Code main issues at this time are students not wearing long enough tops over tights or wearing midriff shirts. Edgewood will permit holes in the jeans that are fingertip length and below. Different jeans or putting tights under the jeans are suggested if holes are above fingertip length. We ask parents to help students to make wise choices to follow the school's dress code.

 Students who violate Dress Code rules will not be admitted to class. Many times students are warned and given different shirts to return later. These rules are in place so that we are demonstrating modesty as well as keeping the focus on the academic success for all students. Anything that is distracting to the educational environment is not appropriate attire for Edgewood Middle School.  


Academic Support Program on Thursdays

Students must be signed up each week by 3p on Wednesday to attend Thursday’s after school academic support program. Transportation will be provided on request. Parents, students and teachers can make this request - no late enrollments will be accepted. 


Robotics Club-Every Tuesday & Wednesday until 4 in the STEM lab until 4/15


Week of Feb. 22: 7th grade email for 8th grade Scheduling Virtual Presentation 

Feb. 26: 6th graders deadline for next year’s course sheets

March 2 & 3: 8th graders input next year’s courses during history class

March 4 & 5: Course selection sheets due for next year’s 8th graders


Tuesday 2/23- GB Game HOME against Lincoln start time of 5:00p

Thursday 2/25- GB Game @ Triton start time of 6:00p

Saturday 2/27- Wrestling @ Whitko start time of 9:00a

 The Boy's Track Callout will be held in the Library after school on Monday, March 1st.  The meeting will end by 3:30.  If you are unable to attend, be sure to see Mr. Devlin for track materials.

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.