September 17, 2020  Edgewood Announcements

Today’s Lunch Menu choices are Bosco Sticks with Dill Chicken Sandwich, or PB & J Jamwich Meal, Baked Beans, Peaches, Fresh Veggie Mix, Doritos, and Milk.

This evening, FFA will hold their Ice Cream Social from 6:30-7:30p in the WCHS Agriculture rooms; use Door #4 to enter the high school. 

The Volleyball away games at Fairfield will start at 6:00p today. The 7th grade will play first with the 8th grade games to follow. 

All students need to wear their Masks correctly, which means covering their noses and their mouths, so that we all stay safe and healthy.  Students who repeatedly fail to wear their mask correctly will be reminded, but will also call home and if the situation does not improve, Friday Schools will be assigned.



Sept 18: Q1 Midterm

Sept. 21: eLearning Day; Grades due by 

Sept. 24: Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3:25-7:00p

Sept 25: Picture Day 8:00a Students need to dress from head to toe. Multiple images will be taken this year and there will be full body pictures taken along with the standard head and shoulder shot.

Oct 5: eLearning Day

Oct. 21-23: Fall Break-No School 

Nov 9: eLearning Day

Nov. 19: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:25-6:30p


Thursday 9/17- VB AWAY at Fairfield start time of 6:00p (time changed due to transportation issues.)

Saturday 9/19- XC AWAY at West Noble start time of 9:30a

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.