September 14, 2020  Edgewood Announcements

Lunch Menu choices are Rotini with Meat Sauce or PB & J Jamwich, Green Beans, Blueberry Muffin, Sliced Apple, Paradise Vegetable Juice, and Milk.

Today’s Volleyball Games against Lincoln Middle School will be played at home. The 7th grade game will start at 5:30p with the 8th grade game to follow. Students will need to wear a mask and sit with an adult. 

REPORTING AN ABSENCE  Phone 371-5096   

Attendance is a critical factor that significantly affects student learning.  Students who are not in school miss out on important instruction.  If possible, we would like students to be in school every day.  However, we do know that illnesses, emergencies and unexpected events can result in a student being absent.  Parents have seven parent call in days each semester.  Our attendance office will call you between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. each day your child is absent, if you have not called the school.  Family vacations absence requests will count towards the seven parent days.  If a student is going to miss 3 or more days for vacation, please contact the office a few days prior and we will generate a teacher notification/assignment sheet to notify the student’s teachers prior to the vacation.  



Sept 18: Q1 Midterm

Sept. 21: eLearning Day

Sept. 24: Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3:25-7:00p

Sept 25: Picture Day 8:00a Students need to dress from head to toe. Multiple images will be taken this year and there will be full body pictures taken along with the standard head and shoulder shot.

Oct 5: eLearning Day

Oct. 21-23: Fall Break-No School 

Nov 9: eLearning Day

Nov. 19: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:25-6:30p


Monday 9/14- VB Game HOME against Lincoln start time of 5:30p

Tuesday 9/15- VB HOME against Tippy Valley start time of 5:00p

                          FB AWAY at Lincoln start time of 5:30p

 Thursday 9/17- VB AWAY at Fairfield start time of 5:00p

Saturday 9/19- XC AWAY at West Noble start time of 9:30a

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.