EMS Daily Announcements

Dance tickets will be sold, during both lunch shifts, until Thursday. Tickets are $5 each. The dance is December 15th, 3-5pm.

We are off and running with the food drive! We did a little better than yesterday with approximately 130 items added to our collection today.  Nice job, but we need everyone to put in some time collecting goods because our community food banks rely on us to stock their shelves for the winter.  Remember, if every SRT meets their goal, we will have a party before we leave for break…including permission to have your phones out!  And don’t forget the top 3 classes get to have additional parties! Not to mention the daily drawings at lunch for gift certificates and goody bags! Friday, we will include some big prizes, like a $25 gift card to Applebee’s and the chance to miss class to watch a movie or play games with some of your friends! 

Mrs. Koenemann’s SRT is the first to meet their goal and have jumped into the lead!!  Right behind her is Mr. Wysong,followed by Mrs. Hawn in third. Fighting for fourth are Wise, Fisher, and Brenner with just a few points separating them. We still have 15 SRT’s that have not turned anything in for points yet. Make sure you check with your SRT teacher to see if they need your help during Flex to tally items and deliver them to Mrs. Adamiec’s room. They can add you to their Flex so you can help out and earn an entry into the lunch drawings. 


Papa Vino’s Give Back         12/11 - 12/14

Food Drive                                            12/1 - 12/18


Thursday 12/7          Boys BB @ Lincoln Jr      5:00pm

Saturday 12/9           Boys BB Warsaw Classic @ Trac       9:00 am

OUR MISSION: Edgewood will maximize student learning.